Standards Alliance Phase 2
The Standards Alliance: Phase 2 (SA2) is a public-private partnership between U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). SA2 builds upon the success of Phase 1 to support the capacity of developing countries in the areas of legal and regulatory framework, standards development, conformity assessment procedures, and private sector engagement.
The Standards Alliance: Phase 2 involves collaboration with U.S. private sector partners, U.S. government experts, and USAID eligible countries and regions between 2019-2024. ºThese regions include Latin America, Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and Indo-Pacific.
A key goal of Phase 2 is to help increase the capacity of developing countries to implement accepted international best practices to reduce instances of poor quality and unsafe products, services, and infrastructure. Project activities will help developing countries prevent and remove non-tariff barriers, and stimulate economic growth, while also preserving and expanding markets for U.S. businesses.
For more information on other projects being conducted under this initiative, visit the ANSI Standards Alliance website.